If you’ve done BJJ for any length of time you have undoubtedly encountered an opponent with high levels of flexibility and been frustrated as their rubber like limbs stymie your pass attempts and squirm out of submissions. You may have even ended that roll and decided that you want that kind of advantage for yourself.
While some people seem to have been born flexible it is possible to earn it. Regular stretching, in combination with a good strength training program, can lead to huge improvements to your Jiu Jitsu performance. Better flexibility leads to more powerful throws & takedowns, slicker escapes, better guard retention and more agile passing. Beyond performance gains, a regular stretching practice also helps promote your longevity in the art by protecting your joints and correcting skeletomuscular imbalances brought on by the demands of training or the effects of daily office work.
The very best way to begin developing your flexibility is to regularly participate in a program like Yoga for BJJ under the guidance of a qualified instructor.
Failing that, targeted stretches performed on a frequent basis as a part of a wholistic training plan is the way to go.
Basic Programming
Make sure to warm up before doing any kind of concentrated stretching or flexibility work.
Never stretch through an injury except under the direction of a physiotherapist or sports doctor.
Static stretches (like most of those demonstrated) should ideally be performed separate to strength training. The best times would be directly after BJJ training or as their own session.
If stretching after class pick two to three different movements and focus on them for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks change one of the movements.
Hold each stretch for 3 sets of 30 seconds with about 30 seconds rest in between.
The best stretches for improving performance focus on the hamstrings, glutes and lumbar.
The best stretches for longevity focus on the shoulder capsule, thoracic spine and hip flexors.
While there are literally hundreds of stretches and mobility exercises you could choose to work on here are some of our favourite stretches for BJJ.
Middle split (no hands)
Stand in a deep horse stance, and slowly start to walk your feet away from your body. Hips in line with feet, knees locked out. You shouldn’t feel any pain.
Front split
Lunge forward with one foot, keeping both feet hip width apart. Slowly start to slide/walk your front foot further away from you, ensuring you’re up on your toes on your back foot, and weight through the heel of your front foot. Your hips and shoulders should be square and your front knee should be locked out. You should feel a stretch in the front leg through your calf, into the glutes, and in the back leg from your quads down.
Couch stretch (hip flexor)
Made popular by Kelly Starett, the couch stretch is a really effective way of stretching your quads and hips. Start on all fours, close to a wall, slide one leg back and place your knee in the intersection of the wall and floor. Now raise your upper body, so that your front leg is at a right angle to the floor – squeeze your glutes to support your lower back.
Sit on the floor with your legs in a straddle position about 90°. Reach forwards with both arms, and walk your hands away from your body. The goal is to compress your hips to get your chest, and head to the ground.
Bridge (high and low)
For high bridge, start by lying down on your back with your feet close to your bum, and your hands by your head, a little wider than your shoulders. Start to push your hands and feet into the floor, with straight arms, so that your body forms a smooth arc – there shouldn’t be too many right angles with this one!
“Kinks” in your bridge usually indicate areas holding large amounts of tension. As you can see, Simon is currently very tight through his upper back and shoulders. To help alleviate this, or if you’re not particularly mobile, you can place your feet onto a box.
For a low bridge, jam your heels underneath your bum with the weight going through your toes and ball of your foot. Push your knees forwards and down (your south), head and shoulders touch the floor, and you can choose whether to use your hands or not. Squeeze your glutes!
Depending on where you are tight, you may find one easier than the other – it’s ideal to be able to do both, especially for Jiu Jitsu.
Keep your legs together. With your knees locked out, try to compress your body at the hips. And yes, you can point your toes if you like to make it pretty.
The Jefferson Curl:
First popularised by Steve Maxwell and then more recently by Christopher Sommers, the Jefferson Curl is a fantastic tool for promoting both strength through the spine and flexibility.
Start by standing tall on a flat surface or an elevated surface and with some kind of weight in your hands. This could be a barbell or kettlebells. You’re not looking for the heaviest weight possible, so start light (eg. 5kg) and progress from there.
When performing the movement, lock out your knees so your legs are straight. Then lean forward slowly, and think about “peeling” each vertebrae one at a time, until your arms are hanging down as low as they can. Do not to let your hands rest on your feet or the floor.
If you can touch the floor, move up onto an elevated surface (for example, a box or weight plate). Ultimately you are looking to have your upper body rest against the front of your legs. To return to the top, contract through the backs of your legs, concentrating on your hamstrings, and roll up one vertebrae at a time.
This particular version of the Pigeon stretch has a slight tweak to it and it’s fantastic for opening up your hips.
Start on all fours and slide one leg back. Lean forward to place most of your weight on the front leg. Now play around with letting that front knee fall out to the side. Find your sticky spot and hang there for a moment.
Rather than hold for time perform 10 slow pulses then a hold for 10 seconds on the last rep.
For this one, start with the lead leg directly in front of you with the knee bent at 90° lining up with the foot. Then place the trail leg out to the side and also bent at 90° inline with the heel.
Lean forward to get the deep stretch through the hip and glute minimus.
For the trail leg, try to square yourself off inline with the knee but, if you cannot, you can lean back to help achieve the position.
Quadratus Lumborum Stretch:
Sit on the floor in a typical hamstring stretch position. Turn your upper body towards the bent knee, grabbing it with the opposite hand and lean your upper body towards the foot of the straight leg. The trick with this one is to hold on tightly and think about guiding your head and shoulders towards and beyond the foot.
Cossack Stretch:
The Cossack Stretch is a great position to ‘teach’ your hips how to do the splits and is similar to positions you can find yourself in while passing guard or attempting a takedown.
Straighten one leg (again point your toes if you feel like it). Tuck your other leg up towards your butt, trying to keep your heel and glutes nice and close to each other. With that same leg, try to keep your foot flat on the ground, and your knee and toes pointing in the same direction.
Deltoid capsule stretch:
Lie face down (prone) and feed your left arm underneath your chest. Let your left knee fall out to the side. To add more intensity to it, reach forwards with the non-stretching arm.
Scorpion stretch (pec to bicep):
Lie prone on the floor. Reach forward with one arm, then out about 45° (so either 10:30 or 2:30 on a clock). Keep the non-stretching arm close to the body (like a push up position), and use it to create leverage and push the stretching shoulder into the ground.
Reach the opposite leg to the stretching arm backwards over the body and just hang there.
In combination with a regular strength practice, implementing a consistent stretching routine has some serious benefits for Jiu Jitsu athletes. As your flexibility develops improvements in performance and resiliency will shortly follow.
Demonstrations and descriptions by Simon Le. Simon is a Strength & Conditioning coach at Elements Fitness, holds a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and is a Contra Mestre in Capoeira. If you’re interested in training with Simon he can be reached through our contact form or at his website Simon Le Coaching.
Simon is one of our coaches who specialises in one-on-one and small group training. Below he shares his experience and thoughts on participating in the Gymnasticbodies method of training.
I have always enjoyed doing bodyweight training. I think we should all be able to control our bodies in space, whether it is in a basic functional way, or by taking it to the next level with acrobatics and fancy movements.
Last year I participated in the Gymnasticbodies (GB) Level 1 Seminar hosted by Coach Christopher Sommers. You can read my review here.
So with my little boy Ash being roughly two months old at the time, and needing to spend more time at home (with not a lot of sleep), I decided to make the Foundation series my main training focus.
Both programs require only a limited range of equipment, so I could do a lot of it at home, and use the equipment when I was at the gym (gymnastic rings and a pull up bar).
I started the program at week 5 to 9 for each phase, as the earlier phases were very basic. I also knew it would take me nine months to get through all of F1.
One of the good things about the GB website is that it has all the programming set out for you, so you only have to concentrate on the week that you’re up to. It also has a follow along format so you don’t get to confused with all the shorthand.
There are also a range of videos you can watch if you need to remind yourself of the form and technique for both strength and mobility.
The Foundation Series uses strength and mobility in each area of the program, and it always includes strength, followed by mobility/flexibility. So if you skip the mobility you’re technically only doing half the work.
For example: Bent Hollow Body Hold (FL/PE1 60sec) then Cat Cow (FL/PE1>iM 5reps)
Here’s where all the training leads to:
Front Lever (FL)
Straddle Planche (sPL)
Side Lever (SL)
Manna (MN)
Single Leg Squat (SLS)
Hollow Back Press (HBP)
Rope Climb (RC)
While I say that I completed all of F1, I couldn’t do most of the Single Leg Squat section due to partial meniscus tear in my left knee from BJJ, it just wasn’t stable enough for me to trust it.
As I am writing this, I just had a look at the F1 programming again and they have changed the SLS programming to what looks a lot easier or achievable for people who are limited in the use of their lower body.
Now for what I thought about the F1 program. I really enjoyed it, I guess coming from a Capoeira background means that I could pick some things up a little quicker than some other people.
The program is not a quick moving program, by that I mean it’s not a super entertaining program, but it’s not supposed to be, your focus should be on accuracy not intensity.
I like the process of the step-by-step actions that lead from simple to challenging.
Also, each exercise has a ‘Mastery’ part to it. For example: Bent Arm Chin Hang (RC/PE6) which was 5x60sec which was really hard at the start, but now it’s possible (again I checked the site and it’s only 5x30sec…)
Where my mindset differs from what they (GB) are looking for is mastery, and looking for mastery in movements isn’t why I train (but doing cool movements is nice).
When I first started Capoeira, I wanted to be good, I wanted to be able to walk into the Roda and be able to keep up with whoever I was playing, and I feel the same with BJJ.
When it comes to movement it’s always good to think about the bigger picture. Basic movements lead to more complex movements, but it’s up to you how far you take it.
For me, longevity is what keeps me motivated and focused. I want to be in this game for the long haul.
Find out more about training with Simon and his background here.